How to Get Dog to Stop Barking in Crate: The Expert Tips

Picture this: you've just settled down for a peaceful evening, and suddenly, your dog starts barking like there's no tomorrow. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you're not alone. Many dog owners struggle with excessive barking, especially when their furry friends are in their crates. Not only can this be bothersome for you, but it can also cause stress and anxiety for your dog. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why dogs bark in crates and provide practical tips to help you curb this behavior. Let's get started!

Understanding Why Dogs Bark in Crates

Dogs bark in crates for various reasons, and it's essential to understand these underlying causes to address the behavior effectively. Here are a few common reasons why dogs bark in crates:

  • Boredom: Dogs are social animals and need mental and physical stimulation. When confined to a crate for extended periods without any enrichment, they may resort to barking out of sheer boredom.
  • Anxiety or fear: Some dogs may feel anxious or fearful when confined in a crate, especially if they associate it with negative experiences. Barking can be their way of expressing discomfort or seeking reassurance.
  • Attention-seeking: Dogs are smart and quickly learn that barking often gets them attention from their owners. If barking in the crate results in you coming over and interacting with them, your dog might continue the behavior to get your attention.
  • Discomfort in the crate: If the crate is uncomfortable or too small for your dog, they may bark to communicate their discomfort. Ensuring that the crate is the right size and providing soft bedding can help alleviate this issue.
  • External stimuli or disturbances: Dogs have keen senses and can be easily triggered by external stimuli such as noises, sights, or even other animals. Barking may be their way of alerting you to potential threats.

Research by Ramos, Mills, & Estanislau (2013) has shown that dogs exhibit various behavioral and physiological responses when introduced to confined environments like kennels, which can include increased barking behaviors. Understanding these responses is crucial for addressing the root causes of crate barking.

Understanding these reasons behind crate barking is crucial for implementing effective training techniques. So, let's dive into some strategies that can help you reduce your dog's barking behavior.

Training Techniques to Reduce Barking

When it comes to training your dog to stop barking in the crate, positive reinforcement and desensitization are key. Let's explore some training techniques that can help you achieve a quieter crate experience for both you and your furry friend.

Positive Reinforcement

One of the most effective ways to reduce barking is to reward your dog for quiet behavior. Here's how you can do it:

  • Rewarding quiet behavior: Whenever your dog remains calm and quiet in the crate, praise them enthusiastically and offer a tasty treat. Positive reinforcement helps your dog associate quietness with rewards, encouraging them to repeat the behavior.
  • Using treats and praise effectively: Choose high-value treats that your dog loves and use them exclusively for crate training. This will make the rewards more enticing and motivate your dog to stay calm and quiet.


Desensitization involves gradually exposing your dog to the stimuli that trigger their barking, teaching them to remain calm in those situations. Here's how you can desensitize your dog to reduce crate barking:

  • Gradual exposure to stimuli causing barking: Identify the specific triggers that lead to barking, such as the sound of the doorbell or passing cars. Start by exposing your dog to these stimuli at a low intensity, gradually increasing the exposure as they become more comfortable.
  • Pairing positive experiences with the stimuli: While exposing your dog to the triggers, provide positive experiences simultaneously. For example, play calming music or engage them in a fun game while the doorbell sound is playing softly in the background. This helps create positive associations and reduces their tendency to bark.

Diversion and Distraction

Sometimes, distracting your dog from barking is all it takes to break the habit. Here are a couple of techniques you can try:

  • Toys and puzzles: Provide your dog with interactive toys or puzzle feeders in the crate to keep them mentally engaged. These toys can help divert their attention from barking and provide mental stimulation.
  • Calming music or white noise: Playing calming music or white noise in the background can help mask external noises that may trigger your dog's barking. This can create a more soothing environment in the crate, reducing their anxiety and barking.

Remember, consistency and patience are crucial when implementing these training techniques. It may take some time for your dog to adjust their behavior, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. With time and practice, your pup will learn to be calm and quiet in their crate.

Furthermore, a study by Tami & Gallagher (2009) emphasizes the importance of understanding dog behavior from a scientific perspective. Recognizing and addressing misconceptions about canine behaviors can be instrumental in effectively curbing issues like crate barking.

Ensuring Comfort in the Crate

Aside from training techniques, ensuring your dog's comfort in the crate can significantly reduce their barking. Consider the following factors:

  • Choosing the right crate size: Ensure that the crate is spacious enough for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • Providing soft bedding: Place comfortable bedding, such as blankets or a dog bed, inside the crate. This provides a cozy and inviting space for your dog to relax.
  • Placing the crate in a quiet location: Find a quiet area in your home where your dog won't be easily disturbed by external noises. This can help create a more peaceful environment for them.
  • Ensuring proper ventilation: Adequate airflow is essential for your dog's comfort. Make sure the crate has proper ventilation to prevent your dog from feeling stuffy or overheated.

By addressing these comfort factors, you can create a more inviting and secure space for your dog, helping them feel at ease in their crate.

The Role of Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation play a vital role in curbing excessive barking in dogs. Here's why:

  • Importance of regular physical activity: Dogs need outlets for their energy. Regular exercise, such as daily walks or play sessions, helps burn off excess energy, making them less likely to become restless and bark excessively.
  • Mental exercises and games: Engaging your dog in mentally stimulating activities, such as puzzle toys or obedience training, can tire them out mentally. A tired dog is less likely to engage in excessive barking.

Research has shown that well-exercised dogs are generally calmer and less prone to barking. So, make sure to incorporate both physical and mental activities into your dog's daily routine to promote a more peaceful crate experience.

Products to Help Reduce Barking

While training techniques and environmental factors are essential for reducing crate barking, some products can complement your efforts. Here are a couple of options:

  • Bark Silencer 2.0: This device emits ultrasonic frequencies that are unpleasant to dogs but inaudible to humans. It can help deter barking, especially when used in conjunction with training techniques.
  • Bark Repeller XT: This collar-like device detects barking vibrations and emits a gentle, harmless vibration or spray to interrupt the barking behavior. It can be an effective tool to discourage excessive barking in the crate.

When considering these products, it's crucial to use them responsibly and in conjunction with positive reinforcement training. They should be seen as aids rather than quick fixes for crate barking.


Crate barking can be a frustrating issue for both you and your dog, but with the right understanding, patience, and techniques, it's a behavior that can be effectively managed. Your efforts will not only lead to quieter evenings but also to a stronger bond with your furry friend. After all, a happy dog makes for a happy home.